Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attract to cause to come near.
ceramic of or having to do with objects made of baked clay.
cling to stick closely.
diversity the state or condition of being varied or consisting of various kinds.
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light.
journal a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary.
passion any strong feeling or emotion.
phony (informal) not real or genuine; fake.
purchase something that is bought.
sharpen to make thinner or finer, as a cutting edge or point.
sift to spread or sprinkle using a sieve or as though using a sieve.
slobber to let liquid, especially saliva, dribble from the mouth; drool.
summit the highest part; peak.
thaw to go from being a frozen solid to being a soft solid or a liquid.
yield to give forth or produce.