Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government.
conflagration a large, damaging fire.
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
devotee an eager or serious follower or enthusiast.
facet one of the small, flat, polished surfaces of a cut gem.
insensible without normal sensations; unconscious.
lenient not strict with rules; tolerant.
materialistic being more greatly concerned with things in the world that can be acquired than with spiritual matters or values.
odious provoking or deserving of hatred; loathsome or repellent.
opulent having or displaying wealth and luxury.
overbearing arrogantly dominating; dictatorial.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
subtlety the quality or condition of being difficult to detect or define.
travail strenuous and often painful or exhausting work; toil.
unsubstantiated lacking the evidence or verification needed to establish as true.