Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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assignment something given as a task, such as a job or lesson.
collar the part of a piece of clothing that goes around the neck.
cut to divide or break open with a sharp tool such as a knife, saw, or scissors.
fire the heat, light, and flames made when something burns.
folk people in general.
friendly pleasant toward others.
listen to try to hear.
mower a machine with blades for cutting grass or other plants.
painful causing discomfort in the body, as from an injury or illness.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
quick happening very soon.
rack a frame or stand used to hold, hang, or show things.
sweat to give off a liquid through the skin.
sweet having a taste like that of sugar or honey.
thirst the feeling that you need or want to drink something.