Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awful very bad; terrible; of poor quality.
baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
cost the amount of money charged or paid for something.
defend to protect from harm; guard.
housework the work of taking care of a household, especially cleaning inside the house.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
nail a thin, pointed piece of metal with a flat top. You hammer nails into pieces of wood or other material in order to fasten them together.
pail a container with steep sides and a handle; bucket.
scrape to rub with something sharp or rough.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
stupid dull or slow to learn; not smart.
today the day that is right now.
track a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
wrinkle a fold on a surface, such as cloth or skin.