Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
anchor a heavy object that is dropped from a boat or ship by a cable to keep the vessel from moving.
bluster to blow in a strong and noisy way.
educate to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to.
equality the condition of being the same in value, measure, or amount.
frolic to act in a playful way by romping about, making merry, or playing jokes.
horrid causing a feeling of horror; dreadful; frightening.
manage to direct or control.
possession the act or condition of having or owning something.
reign rule by a king or queen.
slimy made of or like a slippery liquid.
stretch to spread out or reach out to the full length in order to make loose and flexible.
token a symbol that stands for something larger and greater in value
trough a long narrow open container used for serving food or water to animals.
wise having understanding and good judgment about what is true or good.