Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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blot a spot or stain.
contributor one that gives money or something else of value to a common fund or collective effort.
defender someone who believes in and supports a person, plan, idea, or the like.
invert to reverse the order, position, or direction of.
legal of or having to do with law.
mascot an animal, person, or thing that is considered to bring good luck. Mascots are sometimes kept by a sports team.
master to become skilled in or expert at.
origin the point or place from which something comes; source.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
reservoir a place where water is collected and stored. Towns and cities often have reservoirs for their water supply.
risky involving a chance of getting hurt or losing something.
senate (capitalized) one of the two houses of the United States Congress, or a similar part of national government in other countries.
treaty a formal agreement between two or more countries.
well-being the condition of being healthy, happy, and comfortable.