Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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catalog an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items, with a short description of each item.
childhood the period or state of being young and not fully grown.
describe to tell or write about; create a picture of in words.
digest to break down into materials that can be absorbed and used by the body.
estimate a careful guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
gurgle to flow with a noisy, bubbling sound.
mighty having great power, strength, or ability.
mingle to come together or join with other people.
neither not one or the other of two (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence).
occupy to take and control.
protection the act of keeping something safe from harm or the condition of being protected.
quarterback the football player who calls the plays and handles the ball in most plays.
realize to understand completely.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
terrorize to control by using threats or acts of violence.