Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adopt to become a parent of (a child) by law, or to accept an animal as a pet and become responsible for it.
advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support.
availability the condition of being ready and able to be used.
budget a plan for how much money will be spent and earned during a certain period.
burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
evidence something that gives proof or a reason to believe.
glimpse a quick look.
headdress a covering or decoration for the head.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age.
merit worth or high quality.
miniature A miniature is something that is exactly like something else but much smaller in size.
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
select preferred over others.
sulk to express anger or bad humor by being silent or distant.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.