Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awful very bad; terrible; of poor quality.
chill a mild but uncomfortable coldness.
clip2 a device that holds or fastens. It is usually made of light metal or plastic.
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
crack a break in something.
flash a sudden, bright light that shines and then disappears.
fully in a way that is complete, entire, or thorough; totally.
musical good at or fond of music.
nightmare a frightening dream.
peaceful quiet; calm.
powder a mass of fine, loose grains that are made when a solid material has been ground or crushed.
set to put in a particular place.
short not long in size or time.
smoke the black, white, or gray gases that you see in the air when something burns.
stove a device that uses electricity, gas, or oil to provide heat for cooking or warmth.