Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attire to dress up in fancy clothes.
bond to bind together.
construct to build; put together.
deploy to move, position, or distribute so as to make ready or effective for a particular purpose.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government.
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target.
flourish to grow in a strong, healthy way.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
indignant feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
intrigue to draw the strong interest of; puzzle; fascinate.
misunderstand to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through.
relish a great enjoyment of something.
swoon to lose consciousness; faint.
traction the grip or holding power of a body moving on a surface.