Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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collective of or relating to a group that is composed of individuals but is considered together.
consumption the act or process of using up or consuming.
contemplate to look at carefully for a long time.
correspond to write letters.
dissatisfy to fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint.
enact to make into a law.
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water.
insomnia difficulty in getting to sleep.
interpretation the act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.
penetrate to pierce or go into or through.
rebirth a major recurrence, as of a phenomenon; revival.
reconstruction the act or result of rebuilding or remaking.
resent to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair.
tarry1 to delay or postpone starting or acting; linger.
withhold to hold back; control.