Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
coastal of, at, or near the land next to the ocean.
dramatically to a large or impressive degree; sharply; significantly.
effectiveness the quality or condition of working as intended or of having the desired result.
gloom lack of light; darkness.
insecure without enough protection; not safe or secure.
master to become skilled in or expert at.
myth a story or group of stories that form part of the traditional knowledge of a society. Myths often use imaginative plots and characters to explain how the world began and why nature and people behave the way they do.
obvious easily seen or understood; clear.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual.
quiver1 to shake with very small, quick movements.
reserve to hold back or save for later use.
revenge to get even for or pay back by causing injury or harm.
supporter one who agrees with an idea, person, or group and wants it to succeed.
wring to twist and squeeze tightly.