Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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appreciate to be grateful for or to.
assay to try out or test.
assert to state with force or confidence.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
expire to come to an end.
furtive done with or characterized by stealth; surreptitious; sly.
incidence the frequency with which something happens or the range over which it occurs.
lunar of or having to do with the moon.
niche a hollow place set into a wall to hold a statue or some other object.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
rationale a fundamental reason for doing or being; basis.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
regulate to control by rules or a method.
resignation the act of giving up a job or other position, or a formal letter announcing this.
tycoon a rich, powerful person in business or industry.