Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abide to put up with; stand.
berate to reproach or scold severely.
compunction uneasiness about the propriety or suitability of an action; qualm.
deign to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with one's dignity; condescend.
elide to leave out or slur, as a syllable or letter, in pronunciation.
ensconce to position (oneself) firmly or comfortably.
fledge to grow flight feathers.
garrulous given to talking excessively.
granulate to make into small particles or grains.
invidious tending to arouse feelings of resentment or animosity, especially because of a slight; offensive or discriminatory.
lugubrious sad or mournful, especially in an exaggerated way; gloomy.
mirabile dictu (Latin) wonderful to say or relate.
parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
quadrant any of the four parts that result when an area is divided by two lines, real or imaginary, that intersect each other at right angles.
quondam having been in the past; former.