Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amenable willing to respond, agree, or submit; agreeable; pliable.
auxiliary serving as an extra means of support; additional.
bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
candor the quality of openness, honesty, and straightforwardness in expression.
consecrate to commit or devote to some goal or service.
credential something that entitles one to confidence, credit, privilege, or authority.
dispel to scatter or drive away in all directions.
finicky exceptionally fussy or hard to satisfy.
idolatry unquestioning or excessive devotion or adoration.
intermittent alternately stopping and starting with pauses in between.
invincible too strong to be defeated.
stoic showing little or no reaction to painful or pleasant experiences; unmoved; impassive.
subvert to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, especially a national government).
unimpressive lacking notable qualities; unremarkable; not impressive.
veritable true; authentic; real.