Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attempt an effort to do or accomplish something.
brace to support, hold steady, or prop up.
celebrate to make special or honor with gifts, parties, or activities.
clinic a place that gives medical treatment, usually to people who do not need to stay in a hospital overnight.
comrade a close friend who shares one's main interests.
curtsy a gesture of the body that shows respect made by bending the knees and lowering the body slightly. A curtsy is usually made by women and girls.
distract to draw away the attention of.
dread to be very afraid of.
everlasting going on forever; never ending.
flare to begin to burn brightly (often followed by "up").
fund a supply of money or other resources that is held for a particular purpose.
landlord a man or woman who rents property to others.
quantity amount or number.
religious devoted to the beliefs of a particular religion.
supporter one who agrees with an idea, person, or group and wants it to succeed.