Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
aggravate to make worse.
anesthesia a drug or other agent used to bring about unconsciousness or absence of pain.
conversion the changing of a person's religious beliefs.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together.
demographic of or relating to the study of human populations, involving statistical analysis of size, distribution, density, migration, fertility, and the like.
dimension size as measured in length, width, or depth.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
judicial having to do with judges, law courts, or their activities.
particularly to an unusual degree; more than other things in a group.
sanctuary a holy or sacred place.
suspend to hang from a higher position.
synergy the combined action or power of two or more things.
temperate having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.