Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cacophonous characterized by a discordant, sometimes unpleasant, mixture of sounds.
circuitous having or taking a long and winding course or procedure; roundabout; indirect.
connoisseur a person with the experience, expertise, and sense of appreciation to make informed judgments in a fine art or in matters of taste.
demeanor the way in which one conducts oneself; deportment.
distill to subject (a substance) to heat to the point of vaporization, and then to cooling to produce condensation.
enormity the quality of surpassing moral limits; offensive or disgraceful character.
horticulture the art or science of growing vegetables, flowers, fruits, or ornamental plants.
incontrovertible not able to be questioned or disputed.
morbid in an unhealthy, gloomy mental state; preoccupied with sickness, abnormality, or death.
morose gloomy or sullen.
periphery the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this.
pictorial pertaining to, made of, or containing drawings, paintings, or photographs.
stasis the state of equilibrium or balance between opposing forces; motionlessness.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.
tepid not quite warm; lukewarm.