Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dint force or impact.
enigmatic puzzling, mysterious, or inexplicable.
fecund capable of producing abundant fruit or offspring; fruitful; fertile.
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
laity the body of members of a religious group who are not part of the clergy.
occult of, pertaining to, or with the aid of the supernatural.
oracular of, like, pertaining to, of having the nature of divine wisdom; prophetic; wise.
paradox a statement that contradicts or seems to contradict itself, yet often expresses a truth, such as "Less is more".
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing.
perpetrate to commit or carry out (a crime, act of mischief, or the like).
plaintive showing or expressing sadness or sorrow.
quandary a situation of uncertainty, puzzlement, or hesitation; dilemma.
reconstitute to put together or form again.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
tussle to fight or struggle roughly or energetically; scuffle.