Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
beverage any liquid for drinking, except water or medicine.
computer an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed.
contributor one that gives money or something else of value to a common fund or collective effort.
crush to cause to lose shape or become flat by pressing or squeezing very hard.
decade a unit of time equal to ten years.
developer someone who buys land and makes it ready to be used for homes, business, recreation, or the like.
gradually by small steps or degrees.
illegal against the law or rules; not lawful.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure.
ooze to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
peddle to offer for sale on the street or from door to door.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
style the manner in which something is said or done.