Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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author a person who writes books, stories, plays, or other works.
deep having a lot of space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back.
goal a result or end that a person wants and works for; aim or purpose.
harm hurt or injury.
helmet a hard covering worn to protect the head.
holy relating to a god or religion.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
life the thing that is in humans, animals, and plants that allows them to grow and to produce more creatures like themselves. Things like rocks do not have life.
often at frequent times.
outdoor happening or used outside of any building.
seal a material or object used to close something tight.
sew to make or repair with a needle and thread.
skin the thin outer covering of the body.
stadium a place used for sports events and other outdoor activities. Stadiums have rows of seats that rise up around an open field.
television a piece of electronic equipment that receives sound and moving images that are sent from a long distance. Many people can watch the same programs on television at the same time.