Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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contend to struggle; fight against difficulties or opposition.
denude to strip bare; remove covering from.
discourse verbal communication; conversation.
epitaph on a gravestone or tomb, an inscription commemorating the dead person.
eventuality something that might happen; contingent occurrence.
frugal small in amount or cost; meager.
imperfection a flaw or fault.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
misinterpret to comprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.
ovation a prolonged or enthusiastic episode of applause for someone, as following a performance.
pessimism the belief that events will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst.
repartee a quick, clever reply; witty retort.
scavenger an animal that finds and eats dead animals or rotting plants; a person who finds things that others no longer want.
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.
tremulous trembling or wavering, or inclined to tremble or waver.