Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bloat to make swollen or too full of air, water, or food.
chance the quality of happening by accident and without being planned or predicted.
congratulation the act of expressing pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
devour to eat or swallow in a greedy way.
discover to find or see before anyone else.
fantasy imagination or something imagined.
formation the act of forming or the state of being formed.
lens a piece of clear material such as glass that bends light rays passing through it. The surface of a lens is curved to bend light rays toward or away from a central point.
parallel lying or moving in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. Parallel lines never meet or cross each other.
partnership a relationship based on a shared activity or goal.
range the two points or limits between which something can vary, or the distance between the limits.
tangle to mix or twist into a confused mass.
warp to bend or twist out of shape.
willing wanting or agreeing to do something; ready.
yield to give forth or produce.