Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
attentive watching or listening carefully.
balance a state in which opposite forces are equal.
bribery the act of offering or giving something to a person as a way of getting that person to do a certain thing.
conduct to lead or guide.
diary a daily record of a person's experiences and thoughts.
engrave to cut a design or lettering into.
humor a quality that makes people laugh or feel amused.
jab to poke with a pointed object.
resume to start again after stopping.
senator a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country.
shrivel to cause to wrinkle or become smaller.
static without motion; fixed.
stocky thick, sturdy, and often short in build or form; stout.
tournament a contest of skill including a series of games where those who lose one game may no longer take part.