Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acceptance the act of accepting something that is given.
barter to trade services or things for other services or things without using money.
behalf support; aid (used with "in" or "on" and followed by "of").
civilization an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a system of government and laws, using a written language, and keeping written records.
cryptic difficult to understand; ambiguous or mysterious in meaning.
dispense to give out in portions; distribute.
harmonize to bring into agreement or cause to combine pleasantly or satisfactorily.
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement.
optimistic likely to be hopeful that things will work out well.
passive receiving an action without acting in return, or not responding to something that might affect one.
prearrange to arrange beforehand or in advance.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
ritual a set of actions always done in the same way, often because of custom or tradition.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
substantial considerable; ample.