Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
cultivation the act of preparing and improving.
electronic having to do with devices, equipment, or systems that use electricity in complex ways while employing very tiny parts.
gutter a ditch along the edge of a road or a long, open container attached to the edge of a roof for carrying off water.
heave to push up or out with great effort.
ledge a narrow part like a shelf that comes out of a wall.
metropolis a large city.
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; shaky.
seize to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab.
shorten to make shorter.
sigh to breathe out with a long breath because of being sad, tired, or relieved.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
trait a characteristic or quality that makes a person or animal different from others.
vine a plant having a long, thin, woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.