Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adoption the act of becoming the legal parent of a child who is not one's biological offspring.
chilly causing a cool feeling that is uncomfortable.
depart to leave; go away.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
hesitate to stop or pause because of not feeling sure.
location place or position.
permit to allow (someone or something) to go into or be in a place.
progress forward movement toward an end.
retailer a person or business or who sells goods directly to the public.
scurry to move quickly or in a hurried way.
smash to break into small pieces by hitting, throwing, or dropping, often making a loud noise.
social living in groups or communities instead of alone.
terrorist one who uses violence, torture, or physical intimidation to achieve one's ends, especially one's political ends.
tightly in a firm, close, or secure way.
unleash to set free from or as if from a leash.