Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affect1 to cause a change in; influence.
annoy to bother or disturb with irritating behavior.
cautious taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.
cement a powder made of clay and limestone that becomes hard when water is added. Cement is used as a building material.
combine to bring or join together into a whole.
defense the act of protecting or guarding.
deserve to be worthy of or have a right to.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
entrance1 a doorway or other place through which one goes in.
flunk (informal) to be unsuccessful; fail, as a student in an examination or course.
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave.
insane having a disease of the mind; crazy; mad.
punctual on time; prompt.
responsible expected to take care of particular duties and jobs.
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan; roam.