Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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break to make something come apart into pieces.
bright giving a lot of light.
cause something that makes a thing happen.
different not the same.
diner one who eats a meal.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
handsome having an attractive, healthy appearance.
hate to have a very strong bad feeling toward something; to not like in any way.
hide to put or keep away from view.
honey a thick, sweet liquid made by bees.
hoop a large ring of wood, plastic, or metal, such as a child uses as a toy or an animal jumps through.
miss1 to fail to hit, catch, reach, cross, or touch.
mostly almost completely; mainly.
self one's own being, character, and nature.
steeple a tall, narrow tower on top of a building. A steeple often has a pointed spire.