Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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coincidental of two things, occurring at the same time, or having some other correspondence, by chance and not as a result of a cause or motive.
consequently as a result; therefore.
console1 to give comfort in time of loss or suffering; make less sad.
din a loud, steady noise.
distortion the act of distorting or condition of being distorted.
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
eon a very long period of time.
essence that which makes something what it is; central nature.
forgo to do without, refrain from, or give up.
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
lexicon the set of terms used by an individual, a particular group, or a profession; vocabulary.
rampage a course of angry, violent, or destructive behavior.
stern1 firm and determined; not flexible.
uncertainty the condition or quality of being unsure or doubtful.