Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blond having a light yellow color.
board a flat, cut piece of wood.
chimney a tall, hollow structure that carries smoke up through a building and to the outside.
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
dumb (informal) not smart; stupid.
force power, energy, or physical strength.
halt to stop or pause.
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile.
holy relating to a god or religion.
paste a mixture used to stick paper or other light materials together.
service the work of a person who does things for other people.
shack a small, cheaply constructed building, used as a house or for storage.
step each single movement of your foot as you walk.
toss to throw gently.
uncle the brother of one's father or mother, or the husband of one's aunt.