Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abdomen the part of the body between the chest and the hips. The abdomen contains the stomach, intestines, and liver.
abscess a sore that forms within the tissues of the body and is filled with pus. Abscesses can be caused by an infection.
convergence the point, line, or the like at which lines, planes, or objects meet.
descendant one who comes from a given ancestor or ancestors.
ideological of or concerning basic beliefs, concepts, and social and political aims of an individual, group, or institution.
infer to make a guess based on facts and observations; conclude.
prognosis a forecast of the anticipated course of a disease, especially of the likelihood of recovery.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
refine to make pure or fine.
revival the act or process of renewing or reviving.
satisfactory good enough to meet a need or desire.
sullen silently showing anger.
suspicion the act or an instance of not believing or doubting.
trio a group of three people who sing or play musical instruments together.
viable capable of germinating, growing, or developing, as a living organism or social organization.