Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allude to mention (usually followed by "to").
avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
betroth to pledge or give in marriage.
desist to stop acting in a certain way.
egotism excessive self-promotion; boastfulness or conceitedness.
erudition a high level of scholarly knowledge; learnedness.
expedient suitable or advantageous for the purpose or in the circumstances.
incongruous not suitable or fitting; out of place.
infamy evil or shameful reputation.
intractable not easily controlled, managed, or persuaded.
permeable of a substance, being such that gas or liquid can penetrate or diffuse through it.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.
specious apparently true, genuine, or plausible, but actually worthless, as an argument or evidence.
subsidiary assisting or supplementing.
touchstone a test or standard by which to evaluate the worth of something.