Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegation an assertion made in the absence of positive proof.
alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.
aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
countenance facial expression or general appearance.
distribution the act of giving out items or portions.
dither to hesitate nervously or vacillate; be irresolute.
flux a state of continuous change or movement.
garrison a military force that is located in a fort, village, or similar place.
grate1 a frame of crossed or parallel metal bars used as a covering or guard over an opening.
malicious having or reflecting a wish to harm.
swindle to cheat out of money or property.
tarry1 to delay or postpone starting or acting; linger.
unify to make into a single unit or thing; bring together; unite.