Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ascertain to learn without question; determine.
attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
bibulous addicted to alcohol; alcoholic.
castellated constructed with turrets and battlements like a castle.
cavalier carefree and offhand; nonchalant.
comity mutual courtesy and respectful treatment among people or nations.
consternation surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
extrinsic not inherent or essential; extraneous.
flout to show scorn or contempt for, especially by openly or deliberately disobeying.
forbear to keep or abstain from (an action or utterance).
impugn to call into question; challenge or try to discredit.
malinger to pretend illness or injury, especially in order to be excused from duty or work.
reconnoiter to go through or over (an area) so as to gain information about it, as for military or engineering purposes.
regicide the murderer of a king.