Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administrator a person who manages, especially in business or public affairs.
aspect a part or element.
await to look forward to, or to stay in one place or condition in order to be ready for (someone or something).
conceptual of or pertaining to ideas or their formation.
elite (usually used with a plural verb) the best, taken collectively.
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
lush growing thick and healthy.
nutrient something in food that helps people, animals, and plants live and grow.
proprietary or or pertaining to ownership.
recur to happen again or over and over.
retail having to do with the selling of goods directly to those who will use them.
safeguard a person, thing, or action that gives protection; a way of making sure that something is safe.
turbulent marked by episodes of unrest, turmoil, violence, or the like.
understandable able to be tolerated or sympathized with.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.