Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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apologize to say that you are sorry.
bait food used to attract and catch fish or animals.
cover to put or spread something over or on something else.
crash to destroy with great force and loud noise.
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
daughter a person's female child.
late happening after the usual or expected time.
lookout the act of keeping watch or searching.
marry to become someone's husband or wife according to the law.
nation a country made up of people living under their own government.
pure not mixed with anything else; made of only one substance.
season one of the four parts of the year, the seasons are spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter.
trace a very small amount of something.
wobble to move or tip from side to side in an unsteady way; be out of balance.