Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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accept to say yes when someone wants to give you something.
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
ash the soft gray powder that remains after something burns.
blank without marks or writing.
collection a group of things of the same type that someone has brought together.
count to give each thing in a group a number to learn how many there are.
crust any hard or crisp outer layer.
decorate to make more attractive by adding things.
hang to attach to a point without support from below.
hero a person who has courage and who is a model for others.
lean1 to bend in a certain direction.
letter a symbol, such as "A" or "B," in writing that represents a sound in a language.
reservation something that keeps one from completely accepting or believing something; doubt.
strain to hurt or injure something by using it too much.
toss to throw gently.