Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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clime in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof.
cordon a chain of guards or military stations forming a defense or containment line around an area.
craven shamefully timid or afraid; cowardly.
desirous having a wish or a longing for something.
elegy a sorrowful or mournful poem or musical composition, especially a lament for the dead.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
fragmentary consisting of fragments; incomplete or disconnected.
fraternal of, related to, or like a brother or brothers.
ignominy the condition of being in disgrace or dishonor; humiliation.
misconception an error in understanding; wrong notion or idea.
obsession that which preoccupies one's mind or emotions excessively or abnormally.
prohibitive serving as a preventative.
sagacity the quality of having keen judgment and common sense; wisdom.
trajectory the actual or expected path of a moving object, especially the curve followed by a projectile, missile, or spacecraft in flight.
venial able to be excused, pardoned, or forgiven, as a minor error, offense, or sin. (Cf. mortal.)