Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
certainty the state of being sure or confident.
chaotic completely disordered or disorganized; in a state of utter confusion.
collaborative characterized by or resulting from the activity of people or organizations working together for a common purpose.
compact1 to pack closely and tightly together.
condense to make smaller or less in volume; make more closely packed together; concentrate.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
envision to picture or visualize in the mind; imagine.
external of the outside or outer part.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live.
rebel one who fights against or does not obey authority.
spectacle an unusual or splendid sight or public show.
speculate to make guesses or wonder about something (often followed by "on" or "about").
spite the wish to hurt, bother, or embarrass a person.
texture the feel or look of a surface.