Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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buzz a low noise caused by something moving fast.
each every one of two or more things.
eager wanting very much.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
hear to receive sound with the ears.
mail letters, packages, and other things sent and received through an official system.
mask a covering that hides all or part of the face.
pair two things that are the same and are used together.
sneak to move quietly and in a sly way.
sunset the moment each day when the sun goes below the western horizon.
thief a person who steals.
tongue the organ in the mouth used for tasting and swallowing and also in human speech.
wage (often plural) money paid at regular times to a person for doing work.
war a time of very great fighting between countries or groups of people.
wash to make something clean by using water or soap.