Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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categorize to put into groups that have common characteristics; arrange by categories; classify.
civil having to do with citizens or the general population.
contrary completely different; opposite.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation.
innovate to propose or implement a new method, approach, idea, or the like; make inventive changes.
overlook to fail to see or notice.
pedestrian a person who is walking.
pesky (informal) pestering or annoying.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
precise clearly said or communicated.
region a large space or area.
reinforce to add strength to or increase the effect of.
reliance the act of relying or depending.
theology the study of religion, especially the relations between God and the universe as expressed in religious doctrine, revelation, and scripture.