Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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causal being or involving a cause.
circumference the line that forms the outside edge of a circle or other round figure or area.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events.
concession an act or instance of yielding or conceding.
condense to make smaller or less in volume; make more closely packed together; concentrate.
devise to invent or think out.
epic having to do with a long poem that tells the story of a hero or heroine.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
merely nothing more than; simply; only.
minimize to make as small as possible.
potential a certain skill that may be developed.
resent to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair.
scrounge to seek out and gather, especially by salvaging scraps (often followed by "up" or "together").
subdue to overcome or conquer, as by military victory.