Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appellation a name, title, or other designation.
canard a deliberately false story or rumor, usually defamatory to someone.
devolve of a duty or the like, to be passed on to someone else.
extempore without plan or preparation; impromptu or improvised.
flummox (informal) to confuse or puzzle.
foible a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.
immaculate not dirty; completely clean.
incumbent currently holding an office or position.
insularity the condition of being closed to new ideas or outside influences; narrow-mindedness.
intransigence refusal to alter one's ideas or position in response to the wishes of others.
kibbutz an Israeli farming settlement whose ownership is shared by those who live and work there.
macerate to soften (food or the like) by soaking, as in digestion.
maladroit not skillful; clumsy; tactless.
omnibus concerning or including a large collection of things.
pungency sharpness or bite in taste or smell.