Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abrupt sudden and not expected.
bliss very great happiness.
civilization an advanced state of development of a society as judged by such things as having a system of government and laws, using a written language, and keeping written records.
coalition an alliance, especially a temporary one, of various factions, parties, or nations.
contempt the feeling or expression of angry disgust at something wicked, mean, or not worthy.
dismal full of gloom; sad.
essence that which makes something what it is; central nature.
maximize to increase or enlarge as much as possible.
mull1 to think something over; ponder.
prime first in importance.
proprietary or or pertaining to ownership.
rebel one who fights against or does not obey authority.
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
vector a mathematical expression of direction and magnitude, usually represented by an arrow pointing to the particular direction, with a length proportional to the magnitude.