Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cipher a system that substitutes letters and symbols for the letters and symbols contained in a written message in order to conceal its meaning; code.
contrary completely different; opposite.
downplay to dismiss the significance of; minimize.
frank1 honest, direct, and open.
irregular uneven in shape, arrangement, surface, or some other way.
momentary lasting only an instant.
notwithstanding in spite of; despite (sometimes used after its object rather than before).
stabilize to become steady, firm, unwavering, or fixed.
stagnant standing still; motionless.
statistic a piece of numerical information.
strut to walk in a proud or vain manner.
thunderous producing a sound of or like thunder.
transition a process of changing from one position, stage, or situation to another.
underlie to be the foundation or basis of.
unoriginal not new or inventive; derived or copied from something else.