Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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administration the people in charge of taking care of or managing something as a group.
anthology a collection of written works, such as poems or stories. An anthology can be written by one or by several authors.
attribute to view as the result of.
beforehand ahead of time; at an earlier time.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
exult to rejoice greatly, especially over some triumph.
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
gallant brave and dashing.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
menace that which presents a danger or threat.
motivation the condition of being driven or moved to do something by an idea, feeling, or desire.
obsess to preoccupy the mind or emotions of (someone) excessively or abnormally.
renovation the act or process of repairing and updating (a building or the like) so that the condition is improved and meets current standards.
scope the range or extent of one's view or thoughts.
transmission the act of sending or carrying from one person, place, or thing to another.