Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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befall to happen to.
clairvoyant possessing the ability to see or know things that are beyond the five senses.
exuberant vigorously enthusiastic or happy; high-spirited.
fatuous smugly foolish or stupid.
imitative of, involving, or characterized by reproduction or copying; not original.
infidel one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, especially that of Christianity or Islam.
magnanimity generosity or willingness to forgive.
nub the main point, gist, or essence of something.
protocol the proper or agreed upon way of conducting oneself or of doing something.
pundit an authoritative, or purportedly authoritative, commentator or critic.
repugnance strong dislike, distaste, or aversion.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
sinewy of sinew, or sinewlike; strong; tough.
tensile of or relating to tension.
venerate to treat or regard with great respect, honor, or reverence.