Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
blurt to say suddenly and without thought (usually followed by "out").
celebrate to make special or honor with gifts, parties, or activities.
delicate pleasing to the senses in a light, soft, or mild way.
dial a disk that has numbers and a moving pointer that shows time, weight, speed, or some other measure.
evaluation a careful study of something in order to judge it or measure it.
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
grant that which is given, often by a ruler, a government, or other institution, for a purpose considered to be of high value.
hunger the need or desire for food.
hydrant an upright pipe with a valve from which water can be drawn from a water main.
jest a funny saying or action; joke.
organic produced or producing naturally, without using pesticides or other added chemicals.
partially partly; not completely.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
sob to cry with great emotion while making short gasps for breath.