Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aleatory pertaining to or depending on luck, chance, or contingency.
alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed.
askance with distrust or suspicion.
astute keen in understanding and judgment; shrewd.
cachet prestige.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
feckless weak or incompetent; ineffective.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
inadvertent not planned or intended; unintentional.
indolence the tendency to avoid exertion or effort; laziness.
luminary a famous, important, or inspirational person.
lupine2 fierce; greedy.
occlude to close or obstruct (a passage or opening, one's vision, or the like).
pliant easily flexed; supple.
recondite involving profound concepts and complexities; not easily understood.